The One You Need To See Live: Tash Sultana

It is quite possible that Tash Sultana is one of the most jaw dropping live acts currently alive and touring. Her mastery of a shocking amount of instruments, looping skill, and beautiful vocals are a sight and sound to behold. Her stage presence is calm while simultaneously shockingly bright and entrancing. It is so obvious to the naked eye the joy and passion that every noise she creates brings to her soul.

The crowd is just lucky enough to witness what she finds embodied bliss within. With over 7000+ people in attendance at her open air show at Zitadelle Berlin for the twice rescheduled show it was clear that this Australian artist has caused impact well past her own countries' shorelines.

Tash Sultana is an artist for many where the first time somebody shows her to them, their jaws hit the floor, they sit transfixed, and proclaim a need to see her live. There is something hypnotic about the way she mixes keys, guitar, drums, electronic sounds, vocals, and so much more that one can’t help but to fall into. At the Berlin show, Tash was backed by her incredible band simply adding her existing magic. The energy of the crowd never dipped or faded as they traveled on a journey of sound together and in their own worlds for the entirety of the show.

There was an abundant amount of LGBTQIA+ community members in attendance as Tash Sultana was one of the early to rise gay female artists to break into the main stream market. She helped pave the way for many other queer acts as she herself found success. It was a brilliant way to start off the fall touring season in Berlin and if you ever get the chance to see Tash Sultana live, we can only say: Do it!

Talent: Tash Sultana @tashsultanaofficial

Photo: Weslee Kate @wesleekatecreative