Toxic Love ⚡️


I was never going to talk about this;

was going to allow you to become a distant memory that merely went a drift.

Yet some things need to be released, in order to feel lighter.

You call yourself a storyteller, yet I am the writer.

It used to be a constant power play. Oh how funny the sudden shift.

I hated when you would hurt me like that.

The only time you cared was when you weren’t around,

lived side by side yet never heard a sound.

All we did was work, never even stopped to notice the loveless madness that was our surrounds.

Silence was what you knew best, your head either in your beats or up in the clouds…

I hated your belittling ways and subliminal messages spread across your social media,

as this started to feel like it was only for display.

Telling your audience what you feel but leaving me in a state of confusion,

hang on weren’t you just yelling at me or was that all an illusion?

You were never one for a loving conversation.

Your patience dwindling, allowing for our connection to die.

If i asked for help it wasn’t in the equation.

Yelling and screaming, pushing and shoving, it was all just a mess,

led by demons and fire, put out by no other than tears and desire.

But now there’s something I can longer hold onto, the truth I must confess.

I want out of this narration for a toxic love will never be my final destination.


Photography and Styling: MARIE LOURIER @marielourier

Model: KRISTINA TUZOVA @kristinaau

Assistant: DARIA ATAMANOVSKAYA @bydariataman