Brianne Tju


Brianne Tju is currently gracing theaters in her role of Alexa in 47 Meters Down. You might also know her from Light As a Feather in her role as Alex. Of course, these aren’t her only roles but, they certainly are the ones that we are currently excited about. We shot with Brianne in Franklin Village Hollywood and it was one of those magical shoots full of good vibes and creativity. Watching her run through a full range of emotions within moments was something really special. She is a kind, enthusiastic, stunning young woman who I am sure we will be seeing on big screens for the next while; and maybe even possibly in other roles within the industry. Continue reading below to get to know her better and see the full editorial.

Who are you?

My name is Brianne Tju. I’m an actress, sister, daughter, friend, and human being. 

What does authenticity mean to you?

It means being comfortable with who you are which comes from self-acceptance and a healthy dose of “not giving a fuck.” It doesn’t happen immediately. It definitely takes time, growth, and realizing your self-worth. 

What does beauty mean to you?

Feeling good in your own skin, body, and mind. Being a kind person. Being true to yourself regardless of trends and societal beauty standards. 

What is your definition of feminism? 

Equality. Respect for one another regardless of our genders, race, sexuality, and income. 

How is it portraying at LGBTQI character on light as a feather?

It’s such an honor and a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. My job is to tell stories and create real characters that we see in our everyday lives. I try to make Alex as well-rounded and dynamic as possible while being honest. Her sexuality and race are important parts of who she is, but they don’t define her, in my opinion. 

Best, worst, and wildest part of filming 47 meters down? 

The best part was being able to work with such an amazing cast and crew who I love dearly and show each other unconditional support. The worst part was how dry and fragile your skin gets after being in water for up to 8 hours a day. Lots of moisturizers were used in this process. The wildest part was doing all of my own stunts. I learned to scuba dive, did harness work, and cliff jumping. It was physically the most difficult job I’ve ever done but also one of the most exhilarating. 

Favorite post filming meal?

Italian or Indian food. London has incredible Indian food. Along with a pint of beer or a glass of wine.

What does vulnerability mean to you as an actress? 

Honesty and empathy are key to being vulnerable on screen. To me it means doing the character justice and digging deep within yourself in order to achieve something real. It can be exhausting but also extremely fulfilling to be able to tap into that emotional reservoir.

Dream role?

I want to tell powerful and unique stories with other artists. I want to breakdown boundaries and feel scared and challenged. I’d love to be able to tell stories close to my heart.

Light as a feather follows a female friend group, how do you and your co-stars get along? 

We’re so close it’s kind of crazy. It was pretty immediate, and our bond has only grown stronger. It’s quite rare to love the people you work with as much as we do. Especially with so many women in a cast, it makes me proud to say there isn’t a sense of competition between us but instead collaboration, respect, and support. I’m just going to stop there cause otherwise I’ll just keep gushing about them. 

Favorite quote? 

“Be the person you needed when you were younger”. I’m not sure who said it, but I saw it recently and it really hit me. It’s something I try to think about in my everyday life. 

Something people wouldn’t expect about you? 

I love Taco Bell. Sometimes I eat the hot sauce straight out of the packet by itself. 

What’s next? 

Hopefully growth, probably some mistakes, creating projects, and expanding myself as a person and an actor. I’m just trying to stay open to all possibilities.

Talent: Brianne Tju @briannetju

Photo: Weslee Kate @wesleekatecreative