Meet LA Based Model, Actor & Writer Liv Mathis ❤

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How did your modeling career start?

I started modeling when I was scouted at the mall in my hometown. Many opportunities followed which led me to my first agency in LA and from there I traveled around quite a bit with 4 agencies and then I decided to settle in LA and begin acting.

What are your views on the beauty standards of today?

I honestly can’t keep up with the beauty standards of today, but what I can say is that I wish with all of my heart that our beauty standards were focused on inside beauty.

Favorite pre and favorite post shoot snack or meal?

I love drinking a smoothie with a little boost before a shoot and also coffee, coffee, coffee. After a shoot.. tacos are always a good idea.

Best way to start the day?

The best way that I know to start my day is reading my bible, journaling, and hiking. Also, Stumptown cold brew coffee.

Guilty pleasure?

I have so many.. but I’ll give you a good one. At night when I can’t sleep, I take copious amounts of quizzes on buzzfeed and play two dots (If you don’t know what two dots is you must download it!). Then when it’s finally 1 am I do some great social media stalking and take melatonin.

Favorite scent?

My favorite scent is probably the smell of a bonfire and/or Chanel Chance.

What does confidence mean to you?

Confidence to me is being certain in yourself. Physically and mentally believing in yourself and letting everyone see that. Radiating, what’s on the inside to the outside.

What is a quirk that you have?

I have a bunch of quirks but my favorite is probably when the South Carolina in me comes out and I say something like “fixin’ to” instead of “going to” amongst many other phrases.

Who's your role model?

I’m not quite sure I have a role model, I just strive to be the best version of myself that I can be.
I do strongly admire Kate Moss and Lara Stone.

Model: @thelittlelivv

Photographer for bed image: @jajajaredthomas

Photographer for smoking images: @baz

Photographer for road image: @alexrosenkreuzphotography